Monday, 28 May 2012

Inverglen Bed & Breakfast. Bed & breakfast photography, Inverness.

Your Reflection Studio, commercial photography services for Bed and Breakfast owners.
Inverglen Bed and Breakfast
Your Reflection Studio was commissioned by the then owners of the Inverglen Bed & Breakfast, following a recommendation by An Grianan which is close by.  They were selling their property, as-well-as contuning to run it as a fully operating bed and breakfast.  Our task - to provide images that both sold the business to guests and to propespctive buyers.  These images were to be used by their agent ASG (Inverness) and also on a new - refreshed website created by NESS Seo. 

To visit Inverglen on line, click here:  The images on the new website of the BNB are now a mixture of YRS images and those taken by the new owner. 

The images on the photography workshop pages that they run, of the Bed & Breakfast, are creations of the owner although similar to those taken by YRS last year. 

For more information on how we are helping other Bed & Breakfast business why not have a look at our website  For images of the Highlands or other natural history photography ofteh used by Bed and Breakfast or Guest House clients, please have a look at

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