Monday, 21 May 2012

Aultguish Inn, Garve

Your Reflection Studio, bed & breakfast and guest house photography services for the north of Scotland.
Aultguish Inn
An inn that exists in the middle of Highland no-where - fantastic views of the Fannichs, access to the wildest place left in the British Isles - Assynt and you get warm comfortable rooms, bar and restuarant all in the same place, so no need to keep travelling around unnecessarly.  Your Reflection Studio, were asked to photo shoot this Inn both internally and externally for a new website.  Please note some of the images on the site were also taken by the owner.

To visit Aultguish on-line go to:  Alternatively, you can find out more about our studio by going to  If you want to see some of the incredible landscape that exists around Aultguish, go to our Natural History Image Store :

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